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nightterrors(night terror中文翻译)

编辑:中华游戏网来源:互联网整理更新时间:2023-07-12 14:18:04



  • night terror中文翻译
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  • night terror中文翻译

    These night terrors - - if that ' s what they are -这些夜晚恐惧症. -如果只是这样 These night terrors - - - if that ' s what they are 这些恶梦-如果是指这些 He seems to have night terrors . - night terrors 他好像在做恶梦-恶梦 - he seems to have night terrors . - night terrors -他好像在做恶梦-恶梦 - these night terrors - if that ' s what they are -这些恶梦-如果是指这些 You know , the doctors call it night terrors 医生把它叫作黑夜恐怖症 He had another night terror last night 他昨晚又做了恶梦 Lieber : about these night terrors 关于这些恶梦 About these night terrors 关于这些恶梦 Night terrors can be a frightening phenomenon of childhood but they are not dangerous 夜惊是童年期的一种可怕现象,但并无危险。 A young girl has a tortured night terror about growing up , learning , and reciting the alphabet 一个女孩夜里很痛苦,她害怕长大,害怕学习背诵字母表。 During a night terror , which may last anywhere from a few minutes up to an hour , the child is still asleep 夜惊可能持续几分钟至一小时,发作时小孩仍处于睡眼中。 A sleep diary piled over several nights may help identify unusual sleep patterns and sleep disorders ( eg , sleepwalking , night terrors ) 几个晚上的睡眠日记可以帮助确认异常睡眠形态和睡眠障碍(梦游、夜惊等) 。 Nightmares and night terrors may occur . bedtime rituals ( regular bedtimes , baths , snacks , quiet actiity , bedtime reading , faorite stuffed animal or blanket ) are helpful to ease insecurity and relax the toddler 有时会出现小儿夜(梦)惊症。有助于消除小儿恐惧感和身心放松的一些睡眠习惯包括:固定的睡眠时间、睡前淋浴、吃点小零食、安抚、读故事书、让他/她伴著自己最心爱的洋娃娃或是毛毯入睡。

    Night Terrors 歌词

    歌曲名:Night Terrors 歌手:Valient Thorr 专辑:Stranger Laura Marling - Night Terror I woke up and he was screaming I'd left him dreaming I roll over and shake him tightly And whisper "if they want you Oh they're gonna have to fight me" Oh fight me I woke up on a bench on Shepherds Bush green Oh a candle at my chest and a hand on his knee I got up it was dark Theres no one in the park at this time How do I keep finding myself here? Oh fight me If I look back and he's screaming I'd left him dreaming, the dangers fade And I roll back and shake him tightly And scream "if they want him oh they're gonna have to fight me" Oh fight me But if I wake up on a bench on Shepherds Bush green Oh a candle at my chest and a hand on his knee I'll roll over and hold him tightly And scream "if you want him oh your gonna have to fight me" Oh fight me http://music.baidu.com/song/7420552







    有款游戏叫night 什么的后面的我忘了貌似挺恐怖的是要拯救一个小女孩

    夜惊night terrors





    AbyssalHorrorsDeep-sea MonstersCursed ShipwrecksBioluminescentTerrorsUnderwaterNightmares水下噩梦


    Terrifying Sea Creatures-可怕的海洋生物



    Siren'sCall没的恐怖城市S鞭藏彼傲保痹安 挨碍鼻奥癌读芭

    n citiesof Dread恶毒的海洋精灵




    Drowned Souls



    LeviathansLairHaunted lighthouses一闹鬼的灯塔





    Chilling Deep-seaEncountersGhostiships幽灵船只

    LovecraftianNightmaresCursed UnderwaterArtifactsEerieDeepseaSilenceHaunted UnderwaterRuinsDreadfulSeaSerpents








    GhostlyshipcrewsSinisterunderwater Beings邪恶的水下生物


    Haunted Deep-seaTrenches闹鬼的深海海沟幽灵般的水下阴影GhostlyUnderwaterShadows3sinister Deep sea whirlpools-邪恶的深海漩涡chillingUnderwaterNightmares恐怖的水下噩梦幽灵潜水艇


    Cursed Deep=seaTreasuresEerieunderwaterEchoes怪异的水下回声困扰的深海沉船Haunting Deep-seaShipwrecks可怕的水不旋涡


    Pursuit Of Happiness 歌词

    歌曲名:Pursuit Of Happiness 歌手:Kid Cudi 专辑:Pursuit Of Happiness KiD CuDi - Pursuit Of Happiness(Ft. MGMT And Ratatat) (Edited By YoYo) Crush a bit, little bit, roll it up, take a hit Feelin lit feelin light, 2 am summer night. I don't care, hand on the wheel, drivin drunk, I'm doin my thing Rollin the Midwest side and out livin my life getting out dreams People told me slow my road I'm screaming out fuck that Imma do just what I want lookin ahead no turnin back if I fall if I die know I lived it to the fullest if I fall if I die know I lived and missed some bullets I'm on the pursuit of happiness and I know everything that shine ain't always gonna be gold I'll be fine once I get it, I'll be good. I'm on the pursuit of happiness and I know everything that shine ain't always gonna be gold I'll be fine once I get it, I'll be good. Tell me what you know about dreamin dreamin you don't really know about nothin nothin tell me what you know about them night terrors every night 5 am, cold sweats wakin up to the skies tell me what you know about dreams, dreams tell me what you know about night terrors, nothin you don't really care about the trials of tomorrow rather lay awake in a bed full of sorrow I'm on the pursuit of happiness and I know everything that shines ain't always gonna be gold I'll be fine once I get it, I'll be good I'm on the pursuit of happiness and I know everything that shines ain't always gonna be gold I'll be fine once I get it, I'll be good (Guitar Solo) I'm on the pursuit of happiness. I know everything that shines ain't always gold I'll be fine once I get it, I'll be good I'm on the pursuit of happiness and I know Everything that shines ain't always gonna be gold, hey I'll be fine once I get it, yeah I'll be good Pursuit of happiness, yeah I dont get it, Ill be good http://music.baidu.com/song/13942452

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