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greenlantern(green lantern是什么意思)

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  • green lantern是什么意思
  • Green Lantern:意大利创意自然照明灯具
  • 英语学习资料:Green Lantern《绿灯侠》经典电影台词(2)
  • 英语学习资料:Green Lantern《绿灯侠》经典电影台词(1)
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  • green lantern是什么意思

    【Green Lantern】意思是【绿灯侠】。

    【绿灯侠】(Green Lantern)是DC漫画公司旗下一群超级英雄的总称。每位绿灯侠都拥有一个能量戒指与充电用的能量提灯,只要使用者拥有足够的意志力与精力,就可以根据想像将戒指中的能量变成实物、操控现实世界中的物体。当戒指的能量用完时,戴上戒指将手伸入能量提灯中即可补充能量。初代人类绿灯侠名为艾伦·史考特,1940年6月于《全美漫画》第16期首次登场。他的戒指能量来源是魔法。之后的所有绿灯侠均由“宇宙守护者” 挑选。“守护者”是宇宙中最早出现的高智慧生物,他们挑选适当的人选授与能量戒指、任命其为绿灯侠,目的是守护以总部Oa星球为中心将全宇宙划分出来的3600个扇区。最广为人知的绿灯侠是哈尔·乔丹,他是正义联盟的创始人之一。其他知名绿灯侠还包括盖·加德纳、约翰·斯图尔特、凯尔·雷纳等。

    Green Lantern:意大利创意自然照明灯具

    “Green Lantern”是来自意大利设计公司 NuDe 设计推出的桌面灯具,它有一个非常英雄的名字——“绿灯侠”,当然它与电影里的绿灯侠并没有什么关系。 Green Lantern:意大利创意自然照明灯具 Green Lantern是一盏号角形状的灯具,它除了具备照明功能外,还是一个可以用于种植盆栽的花盆。这两者以一种非常和谐的方式结合。 Green Lantern:意大利创意自然照明灯具 LED 灯安置在“号角”的尖部,呈线状,花盆则是在基部,平稳端坐。灯所在的部位可以旋转的, 即我们可以根据自己需要的角度来调整照明的方向。另外,颜色搭配以及对材质的选择方面都非常自由。 Green Lantern:意大利创意自然照明灯具 在用灯之处种上一片绿或者一小簇花,不仅可以令环境清新,也能使我们的身心愉悦,再就是你根本无需费心思考应该把盆栽放到哪里去了。

    英语学习资料:Green Lantern《绿灯侠》经典电影台词(2)

    剧情:哈尔的家人都很不认可哈尔这种玩命的举动。哈尔的小侄子看见哈尔平安归来,激动地抱住了他…… 绿灯战士阿宾·苏尔在死前让自己的魔力戒指出发去寻找新的主人,这只戒指选定了哈尔·乔丹。 影片对白: Abin Sur: Choose well. TV: A test pilot’s daring maneuvers almost ended in tragedy. Witnesses say pilot Hal Jordan ejected at the last possible second...before his jet crashed in the open desert. He’s the son of the late Martin Jordan...who was killed in his own ill-fated test flight back in 1993. We are told that Hal Jordan is doing fine right now...though we have yet to hear an official statement. Hal: Hey, guys. TV: The incident has been a blow to a new high-tech aircraft program... Jack: Hey. How was work? Hal: Oh. It was amazing, Jack. Thank you for asking. Hey, Janice. Jack: Just help me out here, because I’m really trying to understand this. Hal: Mm-hm. Jack: Do you wanna be like him so bad? Hal: You just assume it’s my fault. Jack: I talked to Carl. Hal: Oh. Heh, heh. Jack: You pushed the plane past its limits-- Hal: That’s my job. It was an accident. Everybody walked away. Jack: Like your motorcycle accident that put you in the hospital for a month? Hal: You know, I miss all this quality family time. Good talk, Jack. Jack: God. Janice: Jack. Come on. Jim: You okay? Hal: Where’s Jason? Jim: In his room. Hal: Why? (Knocking on door) Hey, it’s Uncle Hal. What’s up there, ace? This is the worst 11th birthday party I’ve ever been to. No dancing girls? What’s going on--? Hey. Hey. I’m fine. Jason: I guess I got a little freaked out or something. Hal: It happens. Jason: Not to you. Hal: Look... I told you that you don’t have anything to worry about. You wanna know why? Yeah, I may be a total screw-up in every other part of my life...but the one thing I do know how to do is fly. Hey, got you something, birthday boy. Wrapped it myself. Jason: Cool. It’s an X-1, right? Hal: It’s a Starfighter. My dad gave me that. Let’s put it up. Jason: What happened today? I mean, when you crashed. Hal: Not really sure, exactly. Jason: Were you scared? Hal: It’s my job not to be. You know, you’re totally missing your super-lame birthday party. Beat it. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go! Jason: I’m glad you’re okay. Hal: Me too, ace. (grunting) Hal: Get off! No! Aah! No! Come on, stay with me. Stay with me. I’m gonna get you some help. You’re gonna be okay. You’re gonna be okay. Okay, hold on. Abin Sur: Your name. Your name. Hal: It’s Hal. Hal Jordan. Abin Sur: Hal Jordan, I am Abin Sur, protector of Sector 2814. Hal: Okay, hey, listen. We’re gonna get you to a hospital, okay? Okay? One that carries purple blood. Abin Sur: The ring...it chose you. Take it! Place the ring in the lantern. Place the ring, speak the oath... Hal: What? Abin Sur: Great honor, responsibility... Hal: I don’t understand. Breathe. You gotta breathe, okay? All you gotta do is breathe. Just breathe, okay? Hey, hey, hey. No, no, no. Hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey. Come on, man. No, no, no, don’t do that. Hey, now, don’t do that. Oh, e on. 词汇: 1. daring: 大胆的,勇敢的;敢于冒险的。请看例句:He had proved himself a most daring airman.(他已证明自己是个极其勇敢的飞行员。) 2. maneuver: (船、飞机等的)机动动作。 3. eject: (从飞机、太空船中)弹射出来。 4. ill-fated: 不幸的。 5. help out: 帮助……摆脱困难。看一下例子:His father helped him out when he lost his job.(他失业时父亲帮他摆脱困难。) 6. ace: 能手,佼佼者。 7. freaked out: 吓坏了。 8. screw-up: 失败者。 9. starfighter: 星际战斗机。

    英语学习资料:Green Lantern《绿灯侠》经典电影台词(1)

    剧情:哈尔是个天赋异禀却有些自命不凡的试飞员。在一次试飞任务中,他擅自打破规则,冲破了飞行高度上限,虽然因此战胜了对手,但却牺牲了一架全新的飞机。由于哈尔的失误,公司不得不进行大幅裁员,与此同时,哈尔的惊险试飞也成了新闻…… 影片对白: Hal: Carol. Was gonna do a little flying today. What do you think? Carol: I think you’re late. Hal: Yes, but that’s only because I slept in. Carol: I used to sleep in. Then I turned 11. Let me give you a little heads-up. I’ve gone up against these Sabres all week and they have *** oked me every time. There isn’t anything you can do that they can’t do better, faster...and without disappointing women everywhere. Hal: I, uh, think we both know that’s not true. Carol: This is exactly why I didn’t want you for this. My father did. I would’ve gone with Jensen. Hal: I’d have gone with Jensen too, but unfortunately he’s busy not being good enough. Carol: At least he shows up. Hal...this test today, it’s important. Hal: I got it. I’m gonna make you look good up there. Don’t worry, okay? Now let’s get these pants off and fly some planes. Carol: Highball, weapon check now. Hal: Roger that. Tom: Good morning, Mr. Ferris. Carl Ferris: Morning, everybody. Tom: Gentlemen. Carl Ferris: We about ready, Tom? Tom: Yes, Mr. Ferris. We are go for test. Sapphire, cleared weapons hot at the merge. Carol: Ferris Test, Sapphire. Weapons are hot. Fly safe, Highball. Hal: Um, no. Goddamn it! Tom, what the hell you feed those things? Tom: F-35s, what else? Hal: Wakey, wakey, Sapphire. You got a clean shot, now would be a great time to take it. Carol: Easy, Highball. Just lining it up. Hal: There’s no way we’re taking these out solo. Get over here. Let’s figure something out. Carol: On my way, Highball. Hal: Now stay right there and look real pretty. Tom: Highball, did you just use your wingman as a decoy? (Hal laughing) Carl Ferris: Highball, those Sabres headed up your 6 can fly anywhere you can. Hal: Then let’s go somewhere I can’t fly. Carl Ferris: What the hell is he up to? Tom: Coffin corner. Carl Ferris: Highball, rules of engagement set ceiling at 50,000 feet. Hal: Yeah, that’s because the Sabres will stall if they go any higher, right, Tom? Tom: And so will you. Computer: Compressor stall. Compressor stall. (Alarm blaring) Tom: Yes! Um, I mean, damn it, Hal. Officer: Your boy certainly takes his job seriously. Tom: Ailerons, Hal. Side to side. Hal: I got it. (Alarm blaring) Martin in Hal’s memory: Hal. Keep it warm for me. Technician: Going through 25,000. Tom: Hey, you okay there, Highball? Hal: Yeah, just taking my victory lap. Technician: Going through 20,000. Tom: Okay, Highball, give me some roll. Hal in his memory: Yeah, Dad! Tom: Hal, do you read me? Tom: Highball, you’re approaching minimum ejection altitude. Highball, you’re below 10,000 AGL. Spin is unrecoverable. Eject, eject, eject!


    《绿灯侠 》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:

    链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1oxU4q7jjR1sUbUxLJSZWVA


    导演: 马丁·坎贝尔

    编剧: 格里格·伯兰蒂 / 迈克尔·格林 / 马克·古根海姆 / 迈克尔·戈登伯格

    主演: 瑞安·雷诺兹 / 布蕾克·莱弗利 / 彼得·萨斯加德 / 马克·斯特朗 / 特穆拉·莫里森 / 珍娜·克莱格 / 乔恩·坦尼 / 蒂姆·罗宾斯 / 杰弗里·拉什

    类型: 动作 / 科幻

    制片国家/地区: 美国

    语言: 英语

    上映日期: 2011-10-20(中国大陆) / 2011-06-17(美国)

    片长: 114分钟 / 123分钟(加长版)

    又名: 绿光战警(台)

    几个世纪以来,有一群拥有强大力量的精英团队维护着浩瀚宇宙的和平。他们每人都有一只绿色的能量戒指,绿色的灯光就是他们的力量之源,他们被称为“绿灯军团”。但是,突然有一天,身处宇宙多处的绿灯侠不断传来受到袭击身亡的事件。原来,沉寂多年的邪恶魔王派瑞莱克斯苏醒,他要抢夺绿灯侠们的绿色能量源,因此展开了全宇宙追杀绿灯侠。这时在地球上,拥有非凡天赋却自命不凡的试飞员哈尔(瑞安·雷诺兹 Ryan Reynolds 饰)无意中获得了陨落地球的绿灯侠的绿色戒指,成为了守护地球的新的绿灯侠。而且其作为人类散发出的人性,也是其他绿灯侠们所不具备的独特气息。为了能打败派瑞莱克斯,保护地球拯救人类,哈尔需要克服恐惧,熟练运用自己的绿灯能量。魔王临近,哈尔能否打败魔王,成为最伟大的绿灯侠?










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