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wormsrevolution(worms revolution 无法进入游戏 怎么解决??)

编辑:中华游戏网来源:互联网整理更新时间:2023-06-07 15:22:15



  • worms revolution 无法进入游戏 怎么解决??
  • 求以前触屏手机玩的一款虫子游戏
  • 百战天虫的发售版本
  • 求求求wales的简介(英文的啊)谢谢谢谢谢谢
  • 又没有茅盾的英文资料?
  • feed怎么读
  • worms revolution 无法进入游戏 怎么解决??





    从1994年的“百战天虫”到2014年的“百战天虫:战场”一共有22代2DWorms (1994)Worms Reinforcements (1996)World Rally Fever (1996)Worms United (1996)Worms: The Director's Cut (1997)Worms 2 (1997)Worms Armageddon (1999)Worms World Party (2001)Worms: Open Warfare (2006)Worms: Open Warfare 2 (2007)Worms: A Space Oddity (2008)Worms 2: Armageddon (2009)Worms: Reloaded (2010)Worms: Battle Islands (2010)Worms: Special Edition (2011)2.5DWorms Revolution (2012)Worms Clan Wars (2013)Worms Battlefield (2014)3DWorms 3D (2003)Worms Forts: Under Siege (2004)Worms 4: Mayhem (2005)Worms: Ultimate Mayhem (2011)而“百战天虫Online”是韩国的Wizgate公司向Team17购买虫子的使用权后开发的一款网络游戏,与Team17小组无直接的关系。


    英国威尔士由靠近欧洲大陆西北部海岸的不列颠群岛的大部分岛所组成,她隔北海、多佛尔海峡和英吉利海峡同欧洲大陆相望,是一个岛国。 她的总面积为244100平方公里。由不同部落融合的四个民族,即英格兰人、威尔士人、苏格兰人、爱尔兰人组成,其中英格兰人占总人口的80%。 英国居民多信基督教新教,北爱尔兰地区部分居民信天主教。依英国历史性和地理性划分为英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士、北爱尔兰四个行政区。1974年地方行政制度改革后,英格兰划分为39个普通郡及7个大都会区;威尔士划分为8个普通郡;苏格兰地区仍沿用旧制,有12个郡, 北爱尔兰划分为26个自治郡。英国冬温夏凉,属海洋性温带气候。 我国北京与英国格林威治标准时间相差8小时, 即英国格林威治标准时间为零时,而我国北京是早晨8时。


    Mao Dun (July 4, 1896–March 27, 1981) was the pen name of Shen Dehong, a 20th century Chinese novelist, cultural critic, and journalist. He was also the Minister of Culture of China. He is currently renowned for being one of the best modern novelists in China. His most famous work is Midnight, a grand novel depicting life in Shanghai, and Spring Silk Worms and Other Stories.

    He adopted 'Mao Dun' (矛盾), meaning "contradiction", as his pen name to express his sigh for the contradicting revolutionary ideology in China in the unstable 1920s. His friend Ye Shengtao changed the first word from 矛 to 茅, which literally means "thatch", to prevent him from political persecution.

    Early life

    Mao Dun was born in Tongxiang County, Zhejiang Province, China. His father Shen Yongxi (沈永锡) taught and designed the curriculum for his son, but he died when Mao Dun was ten. Mao Dun's mother Chen Aizhu (陈爱珠) then became his teacher. He mentioned in his memoirs that "my first instructor is my mother". Through learning from his parents, Mao Dun developed great interest in writing during his childhood.

    Mao Dun had already started to develop his writing skills when he was still in primary school. In one examination the examiner commented on Mao Dun's script: '12 year old young child, can make this language, not says motherland nobody'. There were other similar comments which indicate that Mao Dun had been a brilliant writer since his youth.

    While Mao Dun was studying in secondary school in Hangzhou, extensive reading and strict writing skills training filled his life. He finished reading Illustrious Definite orders (《昭明文选》), Shi Shuo Xin Yu (《世说新语》) and a large number of classical novels. These novels influenced his writing style and his idea of writing.

    Mao Dun entered the three-year foundation school offered by Peking University in 1913, in which he studied Chinese and Western literature. Due to financial difficulties, he had to quit in the summer of 1916, before his graduation.

    The trainings in Chinese and English as well as knowledge of Chinese and Western literature provided by the fifteen years' education Mao Dun received had prepared him to show up in the limelight of the Chinese journalistic and literary arena.

    Journalistic career

    After graduation, Mao Dun soon got his first job in the English editing and translation sections of the Commercial Press (商务印书馆), Shanghai branch. At the age of 21, he was invitied to be the assistant editor of Xuesheng Zazhi (学生杂志) (Students' Magazine) under the Commercial Press, which had published many articles about the new ideologies that had emerged in China at that time.

    Apart from editing, Mao Dun also started to write about his social thoughts and criticisms. To some extent, he was inspired by the famous magazine New Youths. Like in 1917 and 1918, he wrote two editorials for Xuesheng Zazhi: Students and Society (学生与社会) and The Students of 1918, those were significant in stimulating political consciousness among the young educated Chinese.

    At 24 years of age, Mao Dun was already renowned as a novelist by the community in general, and in 1920, he and a group of young writers took over the magazine Xiaoshuo Yuebao (小说月报), which translated means fiction monthly, to publish literature by western authors, such as Tolstoy, Chekhov, Balzac, Flaubert, Zola, Byron, Keats, Shaw, etc., and make new theories of literature more well known. Despite the fact that he was a naturalistic novelist, he admired writers like Leo Tolstoy, for their great artistic style.

    In 1920, he was invited to edit a new column: Xiaoshuo Xinchao (小说新潮) (The Fiction-New-Waves) in Xiaoshuo Yuebao. He even took up the post of Chief Editor of the Monthly in the same year and was obliged to reform it thoroughly, in response to the New Cultural Movement (五四运动/新文化运动). His young writer friends in Beijing supported him by submitting their creative writings, translating Western literature and their views on new literature theories and techniques to the magazines. Wenxue Yanjiuhui (文学研究会) (Literature Study Group) was formed partly because of this. The reformed Monthly was proved to be a success. It had facilitated the continuation of the New Cultural Movement by selling ten thousand copies a month and more importantly by introducing Literature for life, a brand new realistic approach to Chinese literature. In this period, Mao Dun had become a leading figure of the movement in the southern part of China.

    On the notion of content reformation, both the innovative and conservative parties in the Commercial Press could not make a compromise. Mao Dun resigned from the Chief Editor of Fiction Monthly in 1923, but in 1927 he became the chief columnist of the Minguo yuebao. He wrote more than 30 editorials for this newspaper to criticize Chiang Kai-shek, and to support revolutions.

    [edit] Political life

    Inspired by the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia, Mao Dun took part in the May Fourth Movement in China. In 1920, he joined the Shanghai Communist Team, and helped to establish the Chinese Communist Party in 1921. At first, he worked as a liaison for the party. He also wrote for the party magazine 'The Communist Party' (共产党).

    At the same time, Mao Dun participated in Chiang Kai-shek's Northern Expedition (1926-1928), the main purpose was to unite the country. He quit, however, when Chiang's Kuomintang broke with the Communists. In July 1928, he went to Japan in order to take refuge. As he returned to China in 1930, he joined the League of the Left-Wing Writers. Later, China went to war with Japan and he actively engaged in resisting the Japanese attack in 1937. In 1949, the communist government took over and he was responsible for working as Mao Zedong's secretary and Culture Minister until 1964.

    [edit] As a literary man

    Xiaoshuo Yuebao Reform was Mao Dun's first contribution to Chinese literature. The magazine then became a place where "New Literature" circulated. Many famous writers like Lu Xun, Xu Dishan, Bing Xin, Ye Shengtao, had their works published through it. Mao Dun supported movements such as "New Literature" and "New Thinking". He believed that Chinese literature should have a place in the world.

    The experience of political conflict broadened his horizon in literature, therefore the theme of his later writing was mostly based on this. He then helped to found the League of Left-Wing Writers in 1930. After that, he worked together with Lu Xun to fight for the right of the society and the revolutionary movement in literature. The harvest period of Mao Dun's writing is considered to have been from 1927 to 1937.

    Shi, the first actual novel written by Mao Dun, was composed of three volumes, Huanmie (1927), Dongyao (1928), and Zhuiqiu (1928). It is the story of a generation of young intellectuals, who are caught up in the world of revolutionary fervor without a true understanding of the nature of social change. Mao Dun participated in Chiang Kai-shek's Northern Expedition (1926-28) in an attempt to unite China, but this failed and he fled to Kuling, when the Kuomingtang dissolved relations with the Chinese Communist Party. In the 1930s he was one of the key founders of the League of Left-Wing Writers, which was dissolved in a quarrel in 1936.

    Mao Dun's next major work was Hong (1929), which became famous for having no less than 70 main characters and numerous plot twists and turns. In 1933 came his next grand work, Midnight, which gained great popularity, to a point that it was also published in French and English, and it allowed to develop a sense of revolutionary realism. He left a work unfinished, the trilogy Shuangye Hongsi Eryuehua (1942). After the initiation of the Sino-Japanese War War in 1937, Mao traveled to many places and started a literary magazine in Wuhan. He edited the periodical Literary Front and the literary page of the newspaper Libao in Hong Kong and worked as a teacher. After 1943 Mao Dun did not produce any major works, but still wrote some articles and essays. In 1946 he visited the Soviet Union.

    In 1927, he published his first novel, Disillusion (幻灭). His most famous and important novel, Midnight (子夜), was published in 1933. It is a naturalistic novel exploring the commercial world of Shanghai in detail. In addition, his fiction offered a sympathetic portrayal of working-class life and praise of revolution.

    When the People's Republic of China was established by the Communist Party of China in 1949, he became active on several committees and he worked as the Secretary and then the Minister of Culture for Mao Zedong until 1964. He started the monthly literary journal Chinese Literature, which became the most popular for western readers. He was dismissed from his position as minister in 1964 due to the ideological upheavals. Despite this fact, Mao Dun survived the Cultural Revolution and was afterwards rehabilitated. In the 1970s he became an editor of a children's magazine, and began working on his memoirs, which were serialized in the Party publication, the quarterly Xinwenxue Shiliao (新文学史料) (Historical Materials on New Literature), but he died in March 27, 1981 before he could finish it. His influence on Chinese literature continues to the present day because he used his savings to set up a fund called the Mao Dun Literature Scholarship to promote an atmosphere for writing fiction.

    Mao Dun's achievements in literature were also seen at his 50th birthday, which was also the 25th anniversary of his literary life. More than five hundred guests came to celebrate with him. Russian and American friends also joined the celebration. Wong Roufei wrote an essay as congratulations on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party. Mao Dun's influence and achievements in the literary field were witnessed. On the other hand, he was twice elected as the chairman and then once elected as the vice-chairman of the China Literary Arts Representative Assembly. His status in the literary field has been highly recognized. Although he suffered great pain from illness in his old age, he still kept writing his memoirs, called The Road I Walked (我走过的路).

    Besides his achievements, Mao Dun also had great influence on Chinese literature. The Mao Dun Literature Prize(茅盾文学奖) was created due to Mao Dun's wish that outstanding novels should be encouraged and communist literature should be promoted. It is one of the most honorable literature awards in China. Many famous modern Chinese literary authors like Wei Wei (魏巍) and Zhou Ke-qin (周克芹) have received the prize.

    ]Mao Dun has over 100 publications throughout his life, which includes short stories, novels, theories etc. Some of his most famous works include:

    Short Stories

    Wild Rose (《野蔷薇》 Ye Qiangwei (1929)

    The Smoke and Cloud Collection 《烟云集》 Yanyunji (1937)

    Long-short stories

    Disillusion 《幻灭》 Huanmie (1928)

    Three people walking San Ren Xing, 《三人行》 Sanrenxing (1931)

    The Shop Of the Lin Family 《林家铺子》 Linjia Puzi

    Spring Silkworms and Other Stories, 《春蚕》 Chunchan (1956)

    Autumn Harvest 《秋收》 QiuShou


    Hong, 《虹》 Hong [Rainbow] (1930)

    Ziye, 《子夜》 ZiYe [Midnight] (1933)

    《献给诗人节》 XianGeiShiRenJie [Giving to the poet festival] (1946)


    《茅盾近作》 MaoDunJinZuo [The recent works of Mao Dun] (1980)

    《茅盾论创作》 MaoDunLunChuangZuo [Mao Dun's Comment on Creativity] (1980)


    《苏联见闻录》 SuLianJianWenLu [Travelling Diary of USSR] (1948)

    《杂谈苏联》 JiTanSuLian [Talks on USSR] (1949)

    Drama script

    Qingming Qianhou, 《清明前后》 QianMingQianHou [Front and rear Pure Brightness] (1945)


    话剧《俄罗斯问题》(Modern drama "Russian Question") (1946)

    中篇小说《团的儿子》(Novelette "Group's Sons") (1946)


    《茅盾全集》 Mao Dun Quanji [Works of Mao Dun] (vol. 1-15, 1984-1987)

    《茅盾书简》 Mao Dun Shujian [Introduction to the books of Mao Dun] (1st edition, collection of letters, 1984) later changed the name into《茅盾书信集》 Mao Dun Shuxinji (1988)

    Huanmie, Dongyao, Zhaiqiu (serialized in Xiaoshuo Yuebao, starting in 1927, published later as a trilogy under the title Shih)

    Lu, 1932

    Chunchan, 1932-33 - Spring Silkworms and Other Stories

    Tzu-Yeh, 1933

    Shih, 1933 - The Cancer

    Zhongguo Di Yir, 1936

    Duojiao Quanxi, 1937

    Diyi Jieduande Gushi, 1937

    Fushi, 1941 腐蚀 "Putrefaction", about the New Fourth Army Incident

    Shuangye Hongsi Eryuehua, 1942

    Jiehou Shiyi, 1942


    feed的读音是:英[fi?d]。feed的读音是:英[fi?d]。feed的例句是用作及物动词(vt.)Will you feed my cat for me?请帮我喂我的猫好吗。feed的词语用法是v.(动词)feed的基本意思是“喂食”“吃”,适用于人、动物或植物。引申可用于一切消耗外界物质以维持其自身生命的东西,作“使满足; 助长; 激励; 注入”解。一、详尽释义点此查看feed的详细内容n.(名词)(丰盛的)一餐饲料,饲草,牧草,草料【机】进料器喜剧演员的逗噱搭档馈电,供电饲养,喂养饭食吃饭【机】进刀传送送料,上料加水【机】送料管v.(动词)吃,吃饭,吃东西投入供给,提供满足,得到满足,得到滋养加深喂(养)饲(养)进(料)向...提供抚养(家庭)以...为食物,用...做食料,给…以食物,给...饮食,给...东西吃,为…供食物以...为能源靠...生活进入给(婴儿)喂奶使吃草,放牧(家畜)用...作牧场【物】馈入通过线路向电台传送(节目)以供广播吃饲料流入,注入腻烦开始产生影响二、英英释义Noun:food for domestic livestockVerb:provide as food;"Feed the guests the nuts"give food to;"Feed the starving children in India""don't give the child this tough meat"feed into; supply;"Her success feeds her vanity"introduce continuously;"feed carrots into a food processor"support or promote;"His admiration fed her vanity"take in food; used of animals only;"This dog doesn't eat certain kinds of meat""What do whales eat?"serve as food for; be the food for;"This dish feeds six"move along, of liquids;"Water flowed into the cave""the Missouri feeds into the Mississippi"profit from in an exploitatory manner;"He feeds on her insecurity"gratify;"feed one's eyes on a gorgeous view"provide with fertilizers or add nutrients to;"We should fertilize soil if we want to grow healthy plants"三、词典解释1.养;喂;饲养If youfeed a person or animal, you give them food to eat and sometimes actually put it in their mouths.e.g. We brought along pieces of old bread and fed the birds...我们拿了几片陈面包来喂鸟。e.g. She fed him a cookie...她给他吃了一块饼干。feedingThe feeding of dairy cows has undergone a revolution.乳牛的喂养方法发生了巨大的改变。2.供养,养活(家庭或群体)Tofeed a family or a community means to supply food for them.e.g. Feeding a hungry family can be expensive.养活饥肠辘辘的一家人花费很大。e.g. ...a food reserve large enough tofeed the Sudanese population for many months.足够苏丹人吃好多个月的食物储备3.(动物)吃食,进食When an animalfeeds, it eats or drinks something.e.g. After a few days the caterpillars stopped feeding...几天后毛虫停止进食。e.g. Slugsfeed on decaying plant and animal material.蛞蝓以腐烂的动植物为食。4.吃奶;给…喂奶When a babyfeeds, or when youfeed it, it drinks breast milk or milk from a bottle.e.g. When a baby is thirsty, it feeds more often...婴儿渴的时候,吃奶就会更频繁。e.g. I knew absolutely nothing about handling or feeding a baby.我对如何抱婴儿、如何给婴儿喂食一无所知。5.饲料Animalfeed is food given to animals, especially farm animals.e.g. The grain just rotted and all they could use it for was animalfeed.谷物完全烂掉了,他们能将其派上的唯一用场就是作动物饲料。e.g. ...poultryfeed.家禽饲料6.源源不断地供给;输送Tofeed something to a place, means to supply it to that place in a steady flow.e.g. ...blood vessels thatfeed blood to the brain.将血液输送到大脑的血管e.g. ...gas fed through pipelines.通过管道输送的燃气7.将…放到,将…投入(容器或装置中)If youfeed somethinginto a container or piece of equipment, you put it into it.feede.g. He took the compact disc from her, then fed it into the player...他从她手里接过光盘,放入播放机中。e.g. She was feeding documents into a paper shredder.她将文件放入碎纸机。8.向…泄露(秘密);向…灌输,向…通报(虚假信息)If someonefeeds you false or secret information, they deliberately tell it to you.e.g. He was surrounded by people who fed him ghastly lies...他周围的人都在给他灌输可怕的谎言。e.g. At least one British officer was feeding him with classified information.至少有一个英国官员在向他提供机密情报。9.加深,加强(厌恶或渴望)If youfeed someone's dislike or desire for something, you make it stronger.e.g. The divorce was painfully public, feeding her dislike of the press.离婚的事张扬出去,她十分痛苦,更加厌恶媒体了。10.给…施肥If youfeed a plant, you add substances to it to make it grow well.e.g. Feed plants to encourage steady growth.给植物施肥促使其不断生长。11.(因…而)壮大;(从…中)得到滋养If one thingfeeds on another, it becomes stronger as a result of the other thing's existence.e.g. The drinking and the guilt fed on each other.酗酒和犯罪彼此助长。12.将(信息)输入(计算机)Tofeed informationinto a computer means to gradually put it into it.e.g. An automatic weather station feeds information on wind direction to the computer.自动化气象站将风向信息输入计算机。13. to bite the hand that feeds you -> see bitemouths tofeed -> see mouth相关词组:feed up四、例句Will you feed my cat for me?请帮我喂我的猫好吗?What do you feed the poultry on?你们用什么饲料喂养家禽?They feed on plankton, the sea's drifting life.它们吃以浮游生物为生。Dor locate flying insects on which they feed.或者找到它们赖以为生的昆虫。He has to work hard to feed and clothe his family.他必须努力工作以供给全家吃穿。Birds feed on worms and grains.鸟以虫和谷物为食。How many feeds a day does this dog get?这只狗每天吃几顿?They usually feed a moist mash to fowls.他们通常用谷糠煮成的湿饲料喂养家禽。There are farm animals you can see and feed here.这里可以看到农场小动物,而且可以饲料喂食。More grain is going to feed cattle.更多的谷物被用于饲养家畜。Why are giraffes the cheapest to feed?为什么长颈鹿是最容易饲养的?五、词汇搭配用作动词 (v.)~+名词feed animals喂动物feed data提供资料feed information提供信息feed lake流入湖泊feed materials提供材料feed one's face吃饭feed one's family养家糊口feed power供电feed reservoir流入水库feed river流入河流feed sea流入海洋feed the chicken喂小鸡~+副词feed artfully巧妙地喂养feed back反应,反响,反馈feed beneficially有益地喂养feed carefully小心地喂养feed consistently一贯地供养feed continually持续地供养feed delicately以美食喂养feed dietetically以有营养的食物喂养feed heavily大量地吃feed high吃得又多又好feed in送进,输入,插入feed poorly吃得不好,粗茶淡饭feed regularly正常地供用feed scientifically科学地喂养feed serenely无忧无虑地喂养feed sparingly节俭地供用feed sumptuously大量地喂养feed up the children给这些孩子增加些营养feed up供给…营养,养肥feed voraciously贪婪地喂养feed well吃得好~+介词feed from来自feed into流入,把…送给〔送进〕…feed into the machine把…送进机器里feed off向…觅食,从…中取食feed off a big plate吃大盘子里的东西feed on用…喂养,以…为食物,靠吃…过活,以…为生feed on vegetable diet吃素feed with用…供给,用…喂用作名词 (n.)动词+~get a feed吃一顿give a feed喂一次have a feed吃一顿leave feed for为…留饲料形容词+~automatic feed〈机〉自动进口,自动进给enough feed足够的饲料full feed足量的喂食good feed美餐granulated feed颗粒饲料green feed绿色饲料little feed很少的饲料名词+~bird feed鸟饲料chicken feed鸡饲料,低微的薪水,零钱clockwork feed钟表的发条cylinder feed气缸进气livestock feed家畜饲料paste feed糊状饲料petrol feed汽油进料poultry feed高蛋白家禽饲料~+名词feed grains饲料谷物介词+~at feed在吃草off one's feed厌食,因病不想吃东西,身体不适on the feed在进食,在寻食~+介词feed for作为…的饲料六、经典引文Turnips for next year's winter feed.出自:M. ShadboltTom shall feed us on eggs and milk.出自:E. M. Forster七、词源解说☆ 直接源自古英语的fedan;最初源自原始日耳曼语的fothjanan,意为哺育,喂养。feed的相关近义词graze、nourish、pasture、fodderfeed的相关反义词fast、hunger、starve、dissatisfyfeed的相关临近词feedback、feeble、feedv、feedex、feedin、feedleg、feedway、feedbag、feed up、feedack、feeding、feedtip点此查看更多关于feed的详细信息

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