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编辑:中华游戏网来源:互联网整理更新时间:2023-06-06 15:12:04



  • 求 零的调律(《零 月蚀的假面》主题曲)英文歌词
  • 零系列的主题曲
  • 蛋蛋解说零月蚀的假面主题曲
  • 零红蝶,刺青,月蚀的假面结局分别是什么?
  • 零月蚀的假面片尾曲叫什么
  • noise 天野月零月蚀假面原曲
  • 求 零的调律(《零 月蚀的假面》主题曲)英文歌词












    [00:52.17]A broken robot keeps having an impossible dream

    [01:01.09]And he still wonders in his deep delusion


    [01:10.14]Can I become your hope?

    [01:13.29]So what should Ido?

    [01:19.06]For how much daylight do I have to wait?


    [01:27.49]Don't look back on your way

    [01:29.73]'Cos I wish could be with you, and I want to escape from here

    [01:34.90]The flowers are fated to wither, after all they bloom in the end

    [01:42.10]In the end


    [01:43.74]Just call my name (I wanna be there with you)

    [01:46.27]So call my name (I wanna be free so free)

    [01:48.17]Before I forget all of you (After a while, I get worn down down down)

    [01:52.65]Just feel of you (I wanna be there with you)

    [01:54.95]I feel for you (I wanna be free so free)

    [01:57.21]Only you give me Ihe will to live (After a while, I get worn down down down)

    [02:01.69]Can't you picture me, or touch me, or kiss me?


    [02:06.96]Could you get me out of this cipher?


    [02:24.11]I can't avoid noises It is sticking on me

    [02:33.07]Can you clearly hear the sounds that I make?


    [02:41.88]Don't turn your eyes away

    [02:43.64]Even if I've changed compare me when I stayed with you

    [02:48.84]I can not return to the places that I have been nevermore



    [02:57.69]Just call my name

    [02:59.97]So call my name

    [03:02.15]How much hope in the world am I allowed?

    [03:06.70]Just fee

    [03:09.01]I feel for you

    [03:11.23]Don' want to give you up anymore

    [03:16.15]Can't you picture me, or touch me, or kiss me?

    [03:20.21]Please Could you get me out of this cipher?


    [03:56.31]Just call my name

    [03:58.30]So call my name

    [04:00.49]Before I forget all of you

    [04:05.04]Just feel of you

    [04:07.30]I feel for you

    [04:09.54]Only you give me the will to live

    [04:14.09]Just call my name

    [04:16.26]So call my name

    [04:18.45]How much hope in the world am I allowed?

    [04:23.08]I'm missing you

    [04:25.28]So missing you

    [04:27.35]Don't want to give you up anymore

    [04:32.07]Can't you picture me, or touch me, or kiss me?


    [04:37.19]Could you get me out of this cipher?












    《くれなゐ》(汉字写为红,念法:ku re na wi)演唱者:天野月子



    《鸟笼 in this cage》演唱者:天野月子(需达成特殊条件)




    正统游戏系列共五部作品:《零~zero~》、《零·红蝶》、《零刺青之声》、《零月蚀的假面》、《零:濡鸦之巫女》和重制版作品《零:真红之蝶》。另外还有一部漫画《零 影巫女》以及一部外传作品《心灵写真:附体笔记》。



    天野月 NOISE


    零红蝶结局: 结局1:红蝶 ①NORMAL以下:掐死姐姐完成仪式,独自逃出。 结局2:虚 ②HARD以上:和姐姐一起逃出,妹妹失明 结局3:迷之家 ③游戏进行途中,在神社选择不去救姐姐,独自逃出,CG结束后会有GAME OVER字样。 结局4:约定 XBOX:约定结局:纱重和八重的灵携手跳入虚中,村子得救,姐妹一起离开,皆大欢喜。 零刺青之声 ①天仓萤死去,黑泽怜,深红活下来(11刻深红是可以不跟着哥哥走的,你可以选择回去-多调查几次回去的门,门就开了。然后就可以回到冰室砥玄关,但是大门不开,此时可以去绳之廊下,然后发生剧情,回到现实。) 不过这样的结局还是萤死掉了,深红活下来了。怜与优雨见最后一面,刺青被吸走。结尾怜和深红坐在一起。 ②所谓的第2结局,3个主角都存活下来。 零月蚀的假面: ①有了月蚀的假面的残片,水无月流歌的端正之音,以及雾岛长四郎和水无月小夜歌的帮助,灰原朔夜被进行成功的“归来迎”仪式,月幽症痊愈,无苦之日解除。朔夜,雾岛长四郎,水无月小夜歌等人的灵魂被超度。圆香为了保护麻生海咲也被超度。岛上所有因月幽症死去的人的怨灵也都被超度。 ②与以上相同,只在最后添加几张图片说明海咲最后平安无事。 零红蝶主题曲:《蝶》 零刺青之声主题曲:《声》 零月蚀的假面主题曲:《月》 三首歌的演唱者都是天野月子


    你好 零月蚀假面的片尾曲有两个简单和普通难度结局-天野月子 noise 难和地狱难度结局-天野月子 零之调律

    noise 天野月零月蚀假面原曲

    此曲不是NOISE 是ゼロの调律 两种难度结局BGM不一样 我真要癫狂了,我听了几遍就是ゼロの调律,开头结尾还有一点月守歌。要不就是你听的不对,真正的ゼロの调律开头有一段钢琴(月守歌)。你说零四主题曲就这么两首,除了它还能是什么? 给你看ゼロの调律的歌词,就算前面日文不懂,中间的“Just call my name”总算能听出来吧,视频2分50秒左右就在唱这句,你要是还不信我也没话说了。 壊れた机械は 梦を见ている 永远に醒める 时间を奏でて あとどれくらいの 夜を纺げば あなたを照らす 光になれる 手を解けないで あなたを追って 逃げたくなるから せめて やさしい その温もりに抱かれて 咲かせて Just call my name(I wanna be there with you) So call my name(I wanna be free so free) 散り行くひとひらを(After a while,I get worn down down down) 结んで(I wanna be there with you)ください(I wanna be free so free) あなたのその腕で(After a while,I get worn down down down) 私はまだ 私でいられる Could you get me out this cipher 无数に响く 音色の中で 私の声は ちゃんと闻こえる 目をそらさないで あなたの想う 私じゃなくても 空白から 未来へ缀る调べを 捉えて Just call my name(I wanna be there with you) So call my name(I wanna be free so free) 散り行くひとひらを(After a while,I get worn down down down) 数えて(I wanna be there with you)ください(I wanna be free so free) あなたのその胸で(After a while,I get worn down down down) 私はまだ 私でありたい Could you get me out this cipher (间奏) Just call my name(I wanna be there with you) So call my name(I wanna be free so free) 散り行くひとひらを(After a while,I get worn down down down) 结んで(I wanna be there with you)ください(I wanna be free so free) あなたのその腕で(After a while,I get worn down down down) Just call my name(I wanna be there with you) So call my name(I wanna be free so free) この目に焼き付けて(After a while,I get worn down down down) 沈んで(I wanna be there with you)いきたい(I wanna be free so free) あなたのその胸へ(After a while,I get worn down down down) 私はまだ 私でいられる Could you get me out this cipher

