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编辑:中华游戏网来源:互联网整理更新时间:2023-10-01 12:45:03



  • 伟大的“自然之力”(双语)
  • 什么是自然之力,我们又如何能够拥有这些自然之力呢?
  • 自然之力怎么用
  • 口袋妖怪自然之力好用吗
  • 蚁族崛起战法霜冻领域和自然之力选哪个好用
  • 云顶之弈自然之力星系有什么用
  • 伟大的“自然之力”(双语)

    The great “Force of Nature ” 纵观整个地球生物的演化史,我们会发现,在这悠悠漫长的过程中,确实有一个看不见的 “自然之力” 在起着极其重要的作用。例如: Throughout the evolution of life on earth, we can find that in this long process, there is indeed an invisible “force of nature” playing an extremely important role. Such as: 我们不知道无机物是怎样转变成为有机物的,但地球上的很多无机物确实变成了有机物。 We do not know how inorganic matter becomes organic matter, but many inorganic matter on earth do become organic matter. 我们不知道RNA和DNA是怎样组合在一起的,但两者最终是组合在了一起,产生了生命。 We do not know how RNA and DNA get put together, but eventually they get put together to produce life. 我们不知道原核细菌是怎样发展成为真核细胞的,但最终细菌还是发展成了真核细胞。 We do not know how prokaryotic bacteria developed into eukaryotic cells, but eventually the bacteria developed into eukaryotic cells. 我们不知道无脊椎动物是怎么发展成为脊椎动物的,脊椎动物又是怎样从鱼类发展到两栖类,两栖类又是怎样发展成为爬虫类,直到哺乳类、灵长目类,最终到了人类。但地球的生物就是这样演化到了当今的人类 社会 。 We do not know how invertebrates developed into vertebrates, how vertebrates developed from fish into amphibians, and amphibians into reptiles, mammals, primates, and finally humans. But these life on earth it is that evolved into today’s human society. 在这些漫长的进化过程中,一定有许许多多的细节我们无从知晓,也无法用我们掌握的科学知识去进行解释。但是,地球上的生物就是这样一步一步的发展起来,直到今天这样的状态。 There must be so many details in these long evolutionary processes that we do not know and can not explain with our scientific knowledge. But the living things and life on earth that developed, step by step, to the state it is today. 自然之力最显著的一个特点就是具有 “进化之功” 的作用,经过千万年或亿万年的演化过程,这种自然之力会使很多的不可能变成为可能,会将很多的旧物种淘汰或演化成为一些新的物种。 One of the most striking features of the force of nature is its role as an evolutionary force. Over the course of hundred of million years or more than billion years of evolution, this force of nature can make many impossible things to possible, will eliminate many old spices and evolve into some new spices. 而且,整个地球上的生物,从无到有,从水中到陆地,都是在默默无声之中进行的,在毫无自我意识的状态之下,这样繁殖着、生存着、演化着,发展着,如果没有人类的出现,这样的自然状态会永远无意识的持续发展下去。当然,即使有了人类,也不会妨碍自然之力对地球所有生物所起的作用。 And the whole earth, from nothing to life, from water to land, is in silence, in a state of no self-awareness, reproduction, survival, evolution, development. Without the presence of humans, such a state of nature would continue to develop unconsciously forever. Of course, the presence of humans would not interfere with the force of nature that operate on all living things on earth. 可以确认这一点,自从地球上出现了人类这个物种,才打破了无意识的自然生长状态。因为人类会产生意识和思想。其实,很多哺乳动物都有一定的意识,但是人类对自然界的意识要比他们深刻的多。 What is certain is that it was only since the appearance of the human spices on earth that unconscious natural state of growth was broken. Because human beings produce consciousness and thoughts. In fact, many mammals have some sense of consciousness, but human’s sense of nature is much deeper than theirs. 人类还发明的语言和文字,会把所见所闻用文字记录下来;人类在不断地查找自己的生命起源;以及各种动植物的起源和地球的起源;人类走遍了地球的各个角落,去查看现存的各种生物的状况和埋在地底下的各种化石;人类又发现了染色体、遗传基因,从遗传的角度去研究人类的生命起源。发展到至今,很多生物学家和专家已经发表了大量的研究成果并找出了很多证据。在研究人类生命起源生物界和地球起源的问题上取得了很大的进展。 Humans also invented language and writing, which recorded what they saw and heard in writing. Humans were constantly searching for the origin of these own life, the origin of various plants and animals, and the origin of the earth. Human beings have been traveled to every corner of the earth to examine the conditions of living things and fossils buried in the ground; human beings also discovered chromosomes, genetic genes, from the genetic perspective to study the origin of human life. Up to now, many biological scholars and experts have published a large number of research results and found a lot of evidences. Great progress has been made in the study of the origin of human life, biological origin and the origin of the earth. 不过,具有几十亿年 历史 的 “自然之力” 远比人类想象的要复杂、要深奥的多得多。如果按百分比计算,在地球生物起源的问题上,人类可能也就解答了不到5%的课题,还有95%以上的课题没有得到解决。这是因为自然之力有太多超出人类想象的神秘地方,远比人类的能力要伟大。事实上,只有几千年文明 历史 的人类,是无法与具有几十亿年 历史 的自然之力相比较,这中间不知相差了多少个层次。 However, the multi-billion year old “force of nature” is far more complex and profound than human imagination. On a percentage basis, human beings have probably answered less than 5 percent of the questions about the origin of life on Earth, leaving more than 95 percent unanswered. This is because the force of nature has many mysteries beyond human imagination, far greater than human ability. In fact, human beings, with only a few thousand years of civilisation, can not be compared with the force of nature, which are several billion years old. 最近20多年来,世界的 科技 发展突飞猛进,我们现在已经有了贯通全球的互联网;有了每秒可以达到亿亿万次运算的超级计算机;有了可以飞到月球、火星的各种人造卫星。人类的 科技 发展,在这20多年里已经进入到一个全新的、更高的层次。对此,我们人类会感到非常的骄傲。 Over the past 20 years, the world’s technology has developed rapidly. We now have the Internet that connects the whole world. With supercomputers that can preform trillions of calculations per second. There are all kinds of satellites that can fly to the Moon and Mars. The development of science and technology has entered a new and higher level in the past 20 years. We humans can be very proud of that. 然而,人类也不能过于自满,因为人类的能力再高超也不可能完全解开 “自然之力”的秘密,也要受到自然之力的束缚。最简单一个例子就是,地震和台风的发生,其实就是一种自然之力在起着的作用。现代的 科技 再发达也很难避免地震和台风带来的危害。 However, human beings should not be too complacent, because no matter how great the human ability is, it can not completely unlock the secrets of the “force of nature”, and it is bound by the force of nature. The simplest example, earthquakes and typhoons, is a force of nature at work. No matter how advanced the technology is now, it is difficult to avoid the harm brought by earthquakes and typhoons 总而言之,是地球的生态产生了自然之力,自然之力又塑造了地球上所有的生物和生命。自然之力是经过了上亿年时间磨砺出来的一种 “无形” 的力量。地球上的所有生物都不会逃出它的魔幻之掌。面对这样一个伟大的自然之力,人类只有顺应它的状态发展下去。 In short, the ecology of the earth that generates the force of nature, it shaped all living things and life on earth. It is an “invisible” force that has been cultivated for hundreds of millions of years, and all the creatures on earth will not escape from its magical grip. Faced with such a great force of nature, human beings can only adapt to its state of development.




    自然之力的用法: 1、当玩家合成该装备到某一英雄身上,并上阵该英雄后,战场可上场英雄自动+1。2个魔尘可以合成“自然之力”,自然之力可以提供+1人口效果,自动生效; 2、一般玩家上阵人口数量为“小小英雄”的等级,拥有自然之力的玩家可以上阵的人口数量为“小小英雄等级+自然之力数量”,只要拥有自然之力,人口就可以无限增加; 3、但是当携带“自然之力”的英雄被出售或者下阵之后,人口+1的效果就不会继续生效,要保证自然之力在战场上正在发挥作用。 人口是云顶之弈中决定双方对战输赢的重要因素,大部分阵型是8人口成型,从7人口升级到8人口需要46金币,因此一件自然之力在后期等价于46金币,节省下来的46金币可以让玩家随心所欲的抽卡,更快速的升星以及凑够羁绊。因此自然之力是一件非常强力的装备,优先度极高。


    好用,用自然之力进行攻击。根据所使用场所的不同,使出的招式也会有所变化。 对战 属性 一般 分类 变化 PP 20 (最大 32) 威力 — ..用自然之力进行攻击。根据所使用场所的不同,使出的招式也会有所变化。 对战 属性 一般 分类 变化 PP 20 (最大 32) 威力 — ...用自然之力进行攻击。根据所使用场所的不同,使出的招式也会有所变化。 对战 属性 一般 分类 变化 PP 20 (最大 32) 威力 —














